Subtotal: ¥112,500
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Product code: IK-SC-V-001 Size: 70 x 200 cms
A perfect accessory for Summer / Spring / Fall weather. Dress up with style with this fancy stole and look your dashing best. Comes with cute tassels that makes it so very appealing.
Made in India
Handwash Only 100% Soft Viscose (artificial cottons)
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Choose from our designer collection of assorted styles to look cool this season.
Very attractive soft Viscose stoles that make you look beautiful and gives you the comfort of soft cotton at the same time. Step your best in the fabulous form and look elegant, dignified, stylish, young and youthful.
Various themes from flowers, to birds, and abstract, they are just beautiful wraps that you would love to wear any time of the day or even for your evenings.
The perfect accessory for a wonderful you. Look cool and be cool with Irakoi stoles.
Please note that the pictures of the stoles were shot in sunlight so there could be a minor difference in the shade that you see here. Although we have tried our best to keep it as close as possible to the original product. Therefore, some pictures are a bit dark, or a bit bright, depending upon the position of the sun. Thank you for your kind understanding. We look forward to your support and patronage.
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