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Product code: IK-S-NP-03
Pure Indian Sandalwood Essential Oil in 15cc packed in glass bottle. This relaxing oil has a calming effect on stress and helps to reduce depression and other mental anxiety.
Size 15cc
2 in stock
Own this very own Sandalwood Essential Oil and use it in your diffusers to create a magical spa right in your room with just a drop or two of it. Also can be used in your bath water to give you a soothing relaxing bath. Again, with just a drop or two. Enjoy meditation while the diffuser creates the magic of peacefulness, calmness and inner peace. This very beautiful Sandalwood has been used in India, from over centuries, in all religious purposes. Sandalwood is supposed to calm the mind, and relax. The immediate effect after meditation with this sandalwood essential oil is that you gain a calm mind, and realize happiness. To know more on the benefits of Sandalwood click here
Please do not use it on your skin directly. This will cause inflammation. Please also keep it out of reach of children. Store in a dark place away from sunlight and heat.
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