Irakoi Article

Hindu Gods in Japan by Parag Barve

The most handsome statue of Indra (Taishakiten) in Japan


Taishakuten (帝釈天, Sanskrit: Indra) riding an Elephant, the most handsome statue from To-ji temple, Kyoto.
Indra, the King of Devas as per Hindu belief, charged with protecting the law after its incorporation into Buddhism.

Wearing an armor and holding a single pronged Vajra (Japanese: 金剛杵) he is sitting in a relaxed manner which is more reminiscent of a Indian sculpture.

Vajra (Japanese: 金剛杵) an implement modeled on an ancient Indian weapon, still used in esoteric rituals to evoke and please deities is also exhibited here.

(Image Source: Web)

This magnificent statue completed in 839 CE (Heian period) currently exhibited at Tokyo National Museum as part of a special exhibition on “National Treasures of To-ji Temple” along with other sculptures & Mandalas till June 2nd, 2019.

Photography is prohibited except for the statue of Taishakuten during this exhibition.

Exhibition link:

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